Since time immemorial, there's been no shortage of jokers claiming to Know. And no shortage of suckers with lesser or lazy imaginations willing to listen. Somebody else has done all their thinking for them, you see. Somebody wearing a special robe, maybe a special haircut, in a temple built by other suckers most likely working for free. Throw in a few cheap magic tricks, maybe a sacrifice or two, and there you go. The rubes are thinking, They must know. They must. Otherwise we've just thrown away some perfectly good goats and virgins.
Quite simply, anyone claiming to know what's on the other side of the grave is at best a sincerely self-deluded fool, or at worst just plain lying. Slinging around the shit, as it were, to gain power or prestige or special privilege on this side of the grave, where it really counts. What lies beyond is anyone's guess, with all guesses being equal -- from the most well-reasoned philosophical musings of a great mind, to something some dunce pulled out of their ass while drunk -- because both are just that: the wildest of guesses. Nobody can prove anything, either way, except maybe one thing. There is Death after Life. Take a stroll through any cemetery and you'll face the fact of it. But beyond that? Well, nobody's in any real hurry to find out, are they?
You can go first, and let me know.
Dan I thought I was being circumspect with my "Jiggle the Handle" remark. Religion is function of plumbing. And when the clapper at the bottom of the reservoir is not "certain" a prodding is all that's required to get equilibrium. Or benefaction from your clergy/holy person.